Advocate. Connect. Equip.
“The Women Who Lead (WWL) are a sisterhood of women serving in ministry leadership across the Potomac Ministry Network. WWL advocates for, connects and equips ministry women to do the work God has called them to do. This allows for more people to be raised up into the vocation God has for them as image-bearers, to make advancements they were created to make for the Kingdom of God in the Potomac Ministry Network, the U.S. & the World!”

How we live it out…
Resource all ministers to bring awareness to the importance of identifying, platforming and working with women.
Encourage women along the credentialing process.
Educate ministers on biblical theology of women.
Encourage the gathering of ministry women.
Creating spaces for women to share and pray with one another.
Network women to other women so there is representation, awareness of options in ministry, and space for dreaming for every woman.
Collaborate in continued education.
Offer opportunities to grow in ministry skills.
Resource women with what they need to serve in ministry well.